比起個大小金人 小金球 讓演員爭相簇擁
金酸莓獎總讓演員 退避三舍
畢竟 電影最大的閱聽人為 觀眾 有什麼比得到這個獎更令人難堪的呢?
Worst Picture: 'The Last Airbender' 最後的氣宗
Worst Actor: Ashton Kutcher 艾希頓庫奇(poor you)
Worst Actress: Sarah Jessica Parker, Kim Cattrall, Kristen Davis and Cynthia Nixon (四大熟女 全部中獎 )
Worst Screen Couple/Ensemble: The entire cast of 'Sex and the City 2' (慾望城市2真的很慘)
Worst Supporting Actor: Jackson Rathbone
Worst Supporting Actress: Jessica Alba (潔西卡艾芭 四部入圍 不拿很難)
Worst Screenplay: 'The Last Airbender' (最後的氣宗)
Worst Prequel, Sequel, Remake or Ripoff: 'Sex and the City 2'
Worst Eye-Gouging Use of 3D: 'The Last Airbender' (最後的氣宗)
Worst Director: M. Night Shyamalan