
oliver is one of my favorite singer!and this is my favorite song!lol

Long Time Coming  by Oliver James 
Everybody wants to be loved 
Every once in a while
We all need someone to hold on to
Just like a helpless child (yeah)
Can you whisper in my ear
Let me know its all right

It's been a long time coming down this road
and now I know what I've been waiting for
just like a lonely highway
I'm trying to get home, oohooh
Love's been a long time coming.

You can love for a lifetime
You could love for a day
You can think you've got everything but
Everything is nothing when you throw it away (yeah)
Then you look in my eyes
And I have it all once again


Didn't know I was lost
Till you found me
Didn't know I was blind
But now I see

Can you whisper in my ear
Let me know its all right

It's been a long time coming down this road
And now I know what I've been searching for
Been a long, long highway
And now I see oohooh
Love's been a long time
Oh been a long time
Love's been a long time coming.

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You don't run with the crowd, you go your own way

You don't play after dark, you light up my day

Got your own kind of style that sets you apart

Baby, that's why you captured my heart

I know sometimes you feel like you don't fit in

And this world doesn't know what you have within

When I look at you I see something rare

A rose that can grow anywhere

And there's no one I know that can compare


What makes you different, makes you beautiful

What's there inside you shines through to me

In your eyes I see all the love I'll ever need

What makes you different

Makes you beautiful to me

You got something so real, you touched me so deep

You see material things don't matter to me

So come as you are, you've got nothing to prove

You won me with all that you do

And I wanna take this chance to say to you


You don't know how you touch my life

Oh, in so many ways I just can't describe

You taught me what love is supposed to be

It's all the little things that make you beautiful to me

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{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg950\deff0\deflang1033\deflangfe1028{\fonttbl{\f0\fmodern\fprq6\fcharset136 \'b7\'73\'b2\'d3\'a9\'fa\'c5\'e9;}{\f1\fmodern\fprq6\fcharset134 SimSun;}}
{\*\generator Msftedit;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\lang1028\f0\fs20 Young Noah: Will you go out with me? \par
Young Allie: What? No. \par
Young Noah: No...? \par
Young Allie: No. \par
Young Noah: Why not? \par
Young Allie: I dunno, because I don't want to. \par
Young Noah: OK, then you leave me no other choice. \par
Young Allie: AHHHH \par
Young Noah: I'm gonna ask you one more time, will you or will you not go out with me? I think my hand's slipping. \par
Young Allie: OK, OK. Fine I'll go out with you \par
Young Noah: No, don't do me any favors. \par
Young Allie: No, no I want to. \par
Young Noah: Say it. \par
Young Allie: I wanna go out with you. \par
Young Noah: Say it again. \par
Young Allie: I WANNA GO OUT WITH YOU! \par
Young Noah: All right, all right we'll go out. \par
Young Allie: [lying in the middle of the street] What happens if a car comes? \par
Young Noah: We die. \par
Young Noah: Get in the water. \par
Young Allie: No! I'm scared. \par
Young Noah: [yelling] Get in the water, woman! Get in the water! \par
Young Allie: [looks at him, puzzled] \par
Young Noah: [calmly] No I'm sorry baby, please just get in. \par
Young Allie: [hesitates] \par
Young Noah: [once his friends start yelling again] GET IN THE WATER! \par
Young Allie: Painting. \par
Young Noah: What? \par
Young Allie: You asked me, what I do for me... \par
Young Noah: What now? \par
Young Allie: I love to paint. \par
Young Noah: Really? \par
Young Allie: Mmm-hmm. Most of the time I have all these thoughts bouncin' around in my head... but with a brush in my hand, the world just gets kinda quiet. \par
Young Noah: Unbelievable, Unbelievable. \par
Young Noah: You don't know me, but I know me. \par
Young Allie: When I'm with Noah I feel like one person and when I'm with you I feel like someone totally different. \par
Lon: Allie, it's normal not to forget your first love but I want you for myself. I don't want to convince my fianc\f1\'a8\'a6e that she should be with me. \par
Young Allie: You don't have to. I already know I should be with you. \par
Fin: [after Noah and Allie kept saying 'You look great.'] \par
[to Allie] \par
Fin: You look great. \par
[to Noah] \par
Fin: You look great. And I know I look great. \par
Young Noah: My Dearest Allie. I couldn't sleep last night because I know that it's over between us. I'm not bitter anymore, because I know that what we had was real. And if in some distant place in the future we see each other in our new lives, I'll smile at you with joy and remember how we spent the summer beneath the trees, learning from each other and growing in love. The best love is the kind that awakens the soul and makes us reach for more, that plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds, and that's what you've given me. That's what I hope to give to you forever. I love you. I'll be seeing you. Noah \par
Noah: I am nothing special; just a common man with common thoughts, and I've led a common life. There are no monuments dedicated to me and my name will soon be forgotten. But in one respect I have succeeded as gloriously as anyone who's ever lived: I've loved another with all my heart and soul; and to me, this has always been enough. \par
Young Allie: Why didn't you write me? Why? It wasn't over for me, I waited for you for seven years. But now it's too late. \par
Young Noah: I wrote you 365 letters. I wrote you everyday for a year. \par
Young Allie: You wrote me? \par
Young Noah: Yes... it wasn't over, it still isn't over \par
[kisses Allie] \par
Duke: That's my sweetheart in there. Wherever she is, that's where my home is. \par
Duke: How's it hangin' Harry? \par
Harry: I keep trying to die, but they won't let me. \par
Duke: Well, you can't have everything. \par
Young Noah: You wanna walk with me. \par
Fin: What are you guys doing? Get in! \par
Young Allie: Yeah. \par
Young Noah: We're gonna walk. \par
Fin: Do you guys love each other? \par
[Young Noah snickers] \par
Fin: Oh I get it, you guys do love each other! \par
Young Noah: Okay. Goodbye. \par
Young Noah: It's not about following your heart and it's not about keeping your promises. It's about security. \par
Young Allie: What's that supposed to mean? \par
Young Noah: [yelling] Money. He's got a lot of money! \par
Young Allie: You smug bastard. I hate you for saying that. \par
Young Noah: You're bored Allie. You're bored and you know it. You wouldn't be here if you weren't. \par
Young Allie: You arrogant son of a bitch. \par
Young Noah: Would you just stay with me? \par
Young Allie: Stay with you? What for? Look at us, we're already fightin' \par
Young Noah: Well that's what we do, we fight... You tell me when I am being an arrogant son of a bitch and I tell you when you are a pain in the ass. Which you are, 99% of the time. I'm not afraid to hurt your feelings. You have like a 2 second rebound rate, then you're back doing the next pain-in-the-ass thing. \par
Young Allie: So what? \par
Young Noah: So it's not gonna be easy. It's gonna be really hard. We're gonna have to work at this every day, but I want to do that because I want you. I want all of you, for ever, you and me, every day. Will you do something for me, please? Just picture your life for me? 30 years from now, 40 years from now? What's it look like? If it's with him, go. Go! I lost you once, I think I can do it again. If I thought that's what you really wanted. But don't you take the easy way out. \par
Young Allie: What easy way? There is no easy way, no matter what I do, somebody gets hurt. \par
Young Noah: Would you stop thinking about what everyone wants? Stop thinking about what I want, what he wants, what your parents want. What do YOU want? What do you WANT? \par
Young Allie: It's not that simple. \par
Young Noah: What... do... you... want? Whaddaya want? \par
Young Allie: I have to go now. \par
Frank: [Allie painted Noah a picture] Now that's a damn picture there! \par
Young Noah: What am I gonna do in New York? \par
Young Allie: ...Be with me. \par
Lon: Should I be worried? \par
Allie: They fell in love, didn't they? \par
Duke: Yes, they did. \par
Young Noah: It's not about keeping your promises, and it's not about following your heart. It's about security. \par
Young Noah: [to Martha] You know I want to give you everything you want. But I can't. It's broken. \par
Young Allie: Now, say you're a bird. \par
Young Noah: If you're a bird, I'm a bird. \par
Frank: [Allie painted Noah a picture] Now that's a damn painting that is. \par
Young Noah: [raising fists in air] Dad! God... I stammered! \par
Frank: Stammered, stuttered... what's the difference. You couldn't understand a damn thing he said. \par
[Allie laughing] \par
Frank: Anyway, I got him to read some poetry aloud and pretty soon his stuttering went away. \par
Young Allie: Well, that's a good idea that poetry. \par
Duke: I was just going for a walk. I couldn't sleep. \par
Nurse Esther: You were going to see Miss Allie. Now you know you're not allowed. It's against the rules. You go back to your room. And as for me, I'm going downstairs to get a cup of coffee and won't be back for a while. Stay out of trouble. \par
[Duke walks over to Nurse Esther's counter and sees a full cup of coffee] \par
Young Noah: We can just finish out the summer and see what happens then. \par
Young Allie: Please don't do this, you don't mean it. Oh why wait until the summer ends? Why don't you do it right now? \par
[pushes Noah against car] \par
Young Allie: Huh? C'mon. Do it! Do it! \par
[repeatedly pushes Noah, starts hitting Noah, Noah starts hitting himself] \par
Young Allie: You know what? I'm gonna do it! It's over. Okay? it's over. \par
Young Noah: [opens his arms for a hug] Come here. \par
Young Allie: Don't touch me! I hate you! I hate you! \par
Young Noah: OK, I'm going. \par
Young Allie: Why don't you just go then? \par
[pushes Noah in the car] \par
Young Allie: Get out! Leave! \par
[kicks Noah's car] \par
Young Allie: Go!... No, no, just wait a minute, we're not really breaking up are we? Come on. This is just a fight we're having and tomorrow will be like it never happend right? \par
[Noah drives away] \par
Frank: Well, Mr. Calho... What am I? *Old* or something? You can call me Frank. \par
Allie: Do you think our love can make miracles? \par
Duke: I do. \par
[last lines] \par
Allie: Do you think our love, can take us away together? \par
Duke: I think our love can do anything we want it to. \par
Allie: I love you. \par
Duke: I love you, Allie. \par
Allie: Good night. \par
Duke: Good night. I'll be seeing you. \par
[first lines] \par
Nurse Selma: Excuse me. Come on, honey, let's get you ready for bead \par
Frank: Say, how would you like some breakfast? Would you like some breakfast? \par
Young Allie: Breakfast? \par
Frank: Yeah! \par
Young Noah: Dad, it's ten o'clock. \par
Frank: Well, what's that got to do with it, you can have pancakes any damn time of night you want! Come on in, you want some breakfast? \par
Young Allie: Sure! \par
Young Noah: You're gonna kill me woman! I need sleep, I need food, to regain my strength! \par
Duke: They didn't agree on much. In fact they rarely agreed on anything. They fought all the time and they challenged each other everyday... \par
Young Noah: [Allie and Noah are fighting] Don't push me! \par
[Allie pushes Noah anyway] \par
Duke: ...But in spite their differences, they had one important thing in common, they were crazy about each other. \par
Anne: She is out foolin' around with that boy until two o'clock in the morning and it has got to stop! I didn't spend seventeen years of my life raising a daughter and giving her EVERYTHING, so she could throw it away on a summer romance! \par
Young Allie: [Screaming] DADDY! \par
Anne: She will wind up with her heart broken or pregnant! Now he's a nice boy, but he's... \par
Young Allie: He's WHAT? He is what? Tell me! \par
Anne: He is trash! Trash! Trash! Not for you! \par
Allie: Did you write that? \par
Duke: No, that was Walt Whitman. \par
Allie: I think I knew him... \par
Duke: I think you did too. \par
Noah: Summer romances begin for all kinds of reasons, but when all is said and done, they have one thing in common. They're shooting stars, a spectacular moment of light in the heavens, fleeting glimpse of eternity, and in a flash they're gone. \par
Young Noah: [humming] Bum,bum,bum,bum,bum,bum,bum,bum,bum,bum,bum,bum. \par
Young Allie: [laughing] You're a terrible singer. \par
Young Noah: I know. \par
Young Allie: [laying her head on his shoulder] But I like this song. \par
[they continue dancing in the street to I'll Be Seeing You] \par
Young Allie: Whattaya want? \par
[asks after he tells her he needs to regain his strength after making love all day] \par
Young Noah: I want some... pancakes... and some bacon. \par
Noah: ...He got this notion into his head that if he restore the old house where they had come that night, Allie would find a way to go back to him... \par
Anne: 'Cause I might know you a little better than you think. And I don't want you waking up one morning thinking if you'd known everything you might have done something different. \par
Young Allie: What's going on? \par
Anne: We're going home. \par
Young Allie: We're leaving now? \par
Anne: Mm-hmm. \par
Young Allie: No, we're not supposed to be leaving for another week. \par
Anne: Get dressed, come downstairs and have some breakfast. Willa will pack your things. \par
Willa: Why, I'd be happy to pack your things, Miss Allie. \par
Young Allie: No, I don't want you to pack my things, I don't want you to touch my stuff I'm not going! \par
Anne: Yes, you are. \par
Young Noah: When I see something I like, I gotta... I love it. \par
Young Allie: You gotta be kiddin me. All this time, that's what I've been missin'? Let's do it again. \par
Young Noah: [at the Carnival] Who's that girl with Sara? \par
Fin: Her name is Allie Hamilton. She's here for the summer with her family. Dad's got more money than God. \par
Young Allie: This place is gigantic! \par
Young Noah: Yeah, a gigantic piece of crap! \par
Young Noah: I'm Noah Calhoun. \par
Young Allie: So? \par
Young Noah: So it's really nice to meet you. \par
Edmond: Allie, who is this guy? \par
Young Allie: I don't know, Noah Calhoun. \par
Young Noah: I'm not usually like this, I'm sorry. \par
Young Allie: Oh yes you are. \par
Young Noah: I could be fun, if you want. I could be pensive, uhh... smart, supersticious, brave? And I, uhh, I can be light on my feet. I could be whatever you want. You just tell me what you want, and I'm gonna be that for you. \par
Young Allie: ...You're dumb. \par
Young Noah: I could be that. \par
Young Noah: Come on, one date, what's it gonna hurt? \par
Young Allie: Mmm, I don't think so. \par
Young Noah: Well what can I do to change your mind? \par
Young Allie: [Noah is about to lie down in the street intersection] You're gonna get hit. \par
Young Noah: [Looks around for oncoming cars, there aren't any in sight] Uhh, by all the cars?\f0\par

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Rachel.B 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

151.衣服哪些顏色最多- BLACK

152.假日都在幹麻- 看電影,都說MOVIE IS MY SECOND LIFE

153.三圍- 沒量

154.當你孤單你會想起誰- Sarah,還有....就妳嗎!!

155.你想不想找個人來陪- 還好...安靜也是好事

156.如果時間可以重來 你最想做什麼事- 這是不可能的,不要空想

157.最近做過的一件傻事- 都很傻,也都不傻(這是啥答案)

158.覺得自己是怎樣的人- 沒那嚜好

159.最近一次血拼的東西- 書吧

160.出門會不會打扮- 都差不多

161.情人節收到什麼- 自己

162.皮包裡剩多少錢- 沒算過,不多吧

163.對扭蛋的看法- 騙小孩的

164.最想收到的東西- movie

165.有沒有視訊會不會常開- 無,否.

166.會不會去夾娃娃< 不要亂想阿>- 不會,同163

167.愛不愛喝酒 喝什麼- 滴酒不沾

168.有幾雙鞋子- 5雙

169.想看的電影- 都看,吸取不同的觀點,領域

170.當你愛的人不愛你 你會怎樣- 活的像自己

171.會不會上網買東西- 會

172.電腦裡最多的歌是誰的- 西洋風

173.身體健康嗎- 希望是不錯的

174.一個月的生活費多少- 我從來不知道

175.房間亂不亂- 整齊,有潔癖,亂了心情會糟,馬上會收

176.關於同居的看法- 沒啥意見

177.贊成未婚生子嗎- 先不要吧

178.光奇摩的帳號有幾個- 5.6個

179.去百貨公司都買什麼- 保養品

180.鞋子穿幾號的- 看鞋款

181.最難忘的打工經驗- secret

182.這個禮拜六日要去哪裡玩- 沒啥好去,租片子吧

183.會不會看網路小說- 會,有的寫的不錯,挺感人的

184.騎車或開車基本時速- 沒開過

185.正在收集什麼- movie周邊

186.放假喜歡做什麼事- Movie

187.及時通有多少人- 不多也不少

188.MSN有多少人- 10幾個

189.喜不喜歡佈置東西- ok

190.最近花最多錢在什麼上面- 班費

191.最喜歡對人家做什麼事- "人家"是誰?

192.我的最愛裡最多的是什麼的網站- movie

193.有沒有想過要打老師- 劉x補習班的

194.會不會上聊天室"那個"- 哪個?


196.關於墮胎的看法- 不好吧...?

197.你們家什麼政治顏色的- 應該說,死也不是綠的

198.有沒有帶隱形眼鏡?什麼顏色的- 我沒近視

199.你花了多久寫完這200題- 沒注意,慢慢寫的

200.終於寫完了~累不累- 剛開始興致勃勃,現在感覺有些無趣

Rachel.B 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

101.現在有沒有喜歡的人- YES, but so what?

102.她知不知道泥喜歡他- YEP

103.想要對討厭的人說一句話- SUCK YOUR DICKS ,FUCKER!

104.最喜歡喝的東西- 葡萄柚汁,葡萄柚綠茶

105.最近想買的東西- VCD,DVD,書

106.喜歡的噗噗- LOGO是一隻馬的.(可能三輩子都買不起)

107.現在身上內衣褲的顏色- 灰

108.最愛什麼動物- SQURREL

109.現在在想什麼- 電影 X 大學

110.在吃什麼- 炸醬麵+水果

111.在喝什麼- 葡萄柚綠茶

112.去7-11都買什麼- 水果 + 茶

113.最近最關心泥的人- 一位學姊+一位學長

114.最近一次愛愛是什麼時候- 去年

115.對同性戀的看法- 愛你所愛

116.想和上一個男女朋友說的話- 已經過去了

117.最喜歡的東西- MOVIE

118.最近很反感的人- 反感的一直都很反感


120.刷爆過幾次- 就說沒卡了嘛


122.部落格- 有天空,有無名,有奇摩.有外國的,你說哪一個?

123.及時通- 不常開

124.幾天洗一次澡- 每天啊,我有潔癖(沒有潔癖應該也要每天洗吧)

125.目前有沒有人在喜歡你- 我哪知

126.你的自戀程度- 應該算低

127.喜歡拍照嗎- 普通.看情況

128.你對大頭貼低看法- 浪費錢

129.晚上最愛做的事- 睡覺+讀小說

130.去學校都在做什麼- 打屁+排球+唸書

131.最討厭的老師- 劉X補習班的

132.對台妹台客的看法- 不干我的事,

133.在家中排行- 02

134.目前工作薪水- 0

135.從事什麼工作- 無

136.最近一次去吃好吃的東西是- 永遠是水果

137.有想吃什麼嗎- 水果

138.對自己的身材- 希望在瘦點

139.玩電腦的次數- 普普

140.有玩PC交友或奇摩交友嗎- 有,但覺的無趣.那樣算交友嗎??!

141.在看的卡通- 我們這一家,烘焙王.

142.最討厭的動物- 討厭的人,昆蟲

143.最怕的東西- 對自己不利的

144.目前相簿有多少照片- 都隱藏,就不用回答了

145.想不想結婚- 普通

146.想生幾個小孩- 不生

147.對於家暴的想法- XX00$%#&@@!~)(*!!!!

148.喜歡是麥當勞還是肯德基- 都不是很愛

149.現在身上穿什麼- T-SHIRT+七分褲


Rachel.B 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

51.要化身卡通人物最想成為 ▧吉米XD

52.今年紅包進帳總額 ▧ 沒數
53.討厭女生的type ▧ 做作的騷包女,心機花痴吧!

54.討厭男生的type ▧ 雙面人,髒!

55.每個月的電話費 ▧ 300左右,看情況
56.大便時會一邊幹嘛 ▧ 看漫畫或小說

57.覺得最有效的減肥方法 ▧ 運動

58.激突時怎麼辦 ▧ 沒想過這問題

59.作弊被抓怎麼辦 ▧ ?我哪知

60.最愛吃的台菜 ▧ 都普通
61.夏天最愛穿啥 ▧ T-SHIRT +牛仔褲

62.大概幾天會大一次屎 ▧ 不一定

63.十年後我在幹嘛 ▧ 在電影圈工作

64.寵物會取什麼名字 ▧ 吱吱和渣渣

65.兒子名字要取 ▧ 不想有小孩

66.樂透一直簽不中的感想 ▧ 沒簽過,只有別人送過

67.最想去的國家 ▧ 響去法國看看,但我愛美國(崇洋派)

68.為何大家肯花錢買muji ▧ 一窩蜂吧

69.夜市必吃 ▧ 章魚燒

70.國中時的印像 ▧ 不喜歡國中生活,

71.下次刺青想刺在哪 ▧ 不刺青

72.看過最噁爛的生物 ▧ 昆蟲類,討厭的人?!

73.想過最噁爛的生物 ▧ 都還滿噁的

74.整形最想整哪裡 ▧ 瘦

75.總分100分,你會給自己幾分 ▧ 對自己有信心99

76.做過最白目的是 ▧ 打掃時間背書包要回家

77.目前為止最欣賞的屌人 ▧ 外國影星都很欣賞

78.吃口加口里的辣度 ▧ 中間

79.最花俏的內褲 ▧ 我走樸素風

80.臉怎保養 ▧ 洗臉 保濕水 乳液 防曬

81.請推薦一個罵人最好用的詞 ▧ Putain merde con fait chier!

82.MSN帳號 ▧ 跟奇摩的一樣
83.生肖 ▧ 馬

84.目前為止,經歷過名字最瞎的 ▧ 忘記了
85.朋友死不還錢怎麼辦 ▧ 逼他還,看理由
86.大概多久會看一本書 ▧ 常看
87.最近很失意的事 ▧ 比賽,考試
88.失眠時怎解決 ▧ 發呆

89.髮色 ▧ 黑+咖啡

90.上一次生日蛋糕蠟燭是幾歲 ▧ 17

91.所選頻道最愛哪一台 ▧ HBO,STARMOVIES...
92.做過最後悔的事 ▧ 人生不就不斷的在後悔

93.早餐通常吃什麼 ▧ 蛋餅,水果,果汁

94.下輩子最想當男還是女 ▧ 女
95.曠課通知最多的數字 ▧ 0

96.在東區跌倒時該怎辦 ▧站起來阿

97.失戀時該怎辦 ▧ 休息
98.寫完這份感想 ▧ 還沒寫完

99.最不希望誰看到這份問卷 ▧ 奇怪的人

100.最後的話 ▧ 還沒到最後

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1.我的全名 ▧ 叫我Rachel 我會習慣些

2.別人怎麼叫我 ▧ Rachel & 高調

3.即時通或MSN目前的狀態 ▧
4.寫這份問卷調查的日期 ▧ 2007/4/01

5.身高 ▧ 171~172

6.體重 ▧ 44~45

7.血型 ▧ A

8.星座 ▧ 雙魚

9.身分證上的性別 ▧ FEMALE

10.用啥交通工具移動 ▧ Foot

11.打工次數 ▧ 如果真的要算..1次吧!

12.打洞次數 ▧ Not yet

13.喜歡的歌手 ▧ Oliver James
14.熱愛的八點檔 ▧ 不看台灣節目..很少看:-p

15.熱愛的書 ▧ the Notebook,the lord of the rings,gossip grils,
movie magazines,in her shoes,m magazines,vogue..

16.熱愛的電影 ▧the notebook,x-men,underworld,resident evil,
the butterfly effects,the sweetest thing,final destination,
red eye,what a grils want,the lord of the rings..too many
movie is my second life,lol!

17.曾經很迷 ▧ 拉霸

18.最近很的意 ▧ 大學的問題

19.戀愛次數 ▧ secret

20.不得意的科目 ▧ 理科

21.上手科目 ▧ 英文吧

22.硬要買一個名牌 ▧ rolling stones & i love new york

23.未成年的心情 ▧ 也快啦

24.成年的心情 ▧ 還未摟

25.加倍家的口味 ▧ 不愛吃

26.我的手機門號 ▧ 這..秘密

27.菸的牌子 ▧ 絕不抽

28.玩的線上遊戲 ▧ 不玩線上

29.喜歡的數字 ▧ 都還好,依場合而定

30.喜歡的顏色 ▧ black

31.麥當勞必吃 ▧ 小漢堡

32.住最遠的朋友 ▧ sarah & JOJO

33.吃不吃回頭草 ▧ 不吃

34.回頭草的看法 ▧ 無言.看情況吧

35.對排隊買Mr.Donuts的看法 ▧ 沒興趣

36.對奇摩交友的看法 ▧ 其實挺無趣的,耍呆性質

37.對留學的看法 ▧ I LOVE IT

38.對健康的看法 ▧ 一定要的,蔬菜水果不離我

39.對休學的看法 ▧ 有好有壞

40.對捷運的看法 ▧ 為啥我家旁邊沒有?

41.對速食者的看法 ▧ 沒看法

42.人家說泥長的像 ▧ 栗山千明,金晶華,AMANDA....

43.口頭禪 ▧ 一時想不起來...
44.有康熙來了對生活的影響 ▧ 有時好看有時無聊

45.做春夢的感覺是 ▧ 還未過

46.想給忘不了前男/女友一句中肯的話 ▧ 已經沒啥好說的

47.睡覺前通常在幹嘛 ▧ 洗臉刷牙

48.起床前第一件事 ▧ 發呆,看手機

49.最近看的一本書 ▧ STAR,電影書

50.愛人的名字 ▧ KEVIN

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